Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Best Camouflage | Let enemy walks across hiding Yo. | 100
Bowling | Roll Yo by punching or exploding him. | 50
Destroyer | Defeat all enemies at the level. | 150
Explosive Food | Feed Hill with bombs and watch how he flies to the sky. | 100
Gravity at work | Drop the crate at Deserter's head. | 100
Hold on, bro! | Punch Lord Fuse to make him fly. | 50
Jammy Fuel | Collect at least 10% of total fuel. | 200
Knockout | Kill first Deserter. | 50
Sniper | Press the button by bomb. | 100
Springhead | Use Hill's head as jump pad. | 50
Walls Breaker | Crush the wall by any possible way. | 50