Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Friend Indeed | Help the trapped villager in E2 | 25
A New Companion | Finish Chapter 4 | 50
A World Reborn | Start something new | 150
Collect-o-mania | Collect the items in Estoria 1 | 25
Facing the Beast | Finish Chapter 6 | 50
Into Solitude | Finish Chapter 5 | 50
Lightbringer | Light all the torches in E8 | 25
Page Master | Unlock your full potential | 25
The End? | Finish Chapter 8 | 50
The First Descent | Finish Chapter 3 | 50
The Journey Begins | Finish Chapter 2 | 50
The Shimmer of Hope | Finish Chapter 7 | 50
The Stage is Set | Finish Chapter 1 | 50
To Infinity and Beyond | Loop a diary for 5 secs | 25
True Guardian | Find all the Fireflies | 150