Complete the following achievements to collect Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Animal Lover | Pet the Dog. | 50
Bull in a China Shop | Bump into furniture 250 times. | 50
Chief Butler | Ring all ground floor bells. | 25
Choking Hazard | End up coughing 10 times. | 25
Dodgy Geezer | Don't get hit by the enemies at all in the game. | 100
Don't Breathe | Hold your breathe more than 50 times. | 25
Easy Listening | Listen to all Gramophone recordings. | 25
Ending on a High Note | Play all musical instruments in game. | 25
Hard Times | Complete the game on hard setting. | 100
Life Saver | Complete the game saving one time or less. | 100
Maids of Sker | Find all the musical dolls. | 25
Phonic Boom | Use all Phonic Modulator charges. | 25
Scholar | Find all notes. | 25
Sker Explorer | Visit every location and room in the Sker Mansion and grounds. | 25
Smooth Operator | Listen to all Speaker Phone messages. | 25