Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
All procedures are necessary | Find the Procedure. | 15
Am I in a movie? | Run the projector. | 50
Appointment time | Gain access to the Lawyer's office. | 15
Bugfellas | Gain access to the Bugville Underworld. | 25
Captain Planet | Suffer the fire, water, electricity, overbearing gravity and squashing. | 50
Certified bug | Obtain the certificate. | 25
Elevator Bug | Ride the sandwich. | 15
Holier than Thou | Truly understand the Preacher. | 25
I'm not alone | Meet your first bug. | 15
Junkfood | Feed the Hunger Artist. | 15
Millenium Bug | Survive the visit to the Tower. | 25
Mr. Right | Communicate to Josef his trial date. | 25
Proto-human belief | All those Effigies in ruin. | 50
Shiver me timbers! | Sail the ship. | 50
Spiderbug | Go upside down. | 15
Stop bugging me | Unlock all trophies. | 200
Survival of the strongest | Kill the Tiger. | 25
The Future | Use Roboarm. | 15
Wakey wakey | Wake Josef up. | 15
Word truly holds the power | Read the letter from the Tower. | 15