Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
A new world awaits (90 points) | Activated new game plus.
Bow before the Goose GOD (90 points) | Kill 10000 enemies.
Buggo Exterminator (10 points) | Completed Level 3.
Finally, my own robot! (10 points) | Befriend MetaWheel.
Goose Bumps (30 points) | Completed Level 4.
Gotta go fast (90 points) | Complete a level under 5 minutes.
Hail the Goose (90 points) | Completed Level 5.
Hail the new PogChamp (30 points) | Complete the desert arena.
Honkmeister (30 points) | Honk 100 times.
Make it Rain (90 points) | Collect 10000 coins.
Masher Gooz (90 points) | Defeat a boss under 1 minute.
Master of the universe (90 points) | Completed all new game plus levels.
Me goose-ta (90 points) | Get S rank on all levels.
Peace was never an option (90 points) | Kill 1000 enemies.
Road Warrior (10 points) | Completed Level 2.
Search and rescue (30 points) | Save the lost miner.
The Great Escape (10 points) | Completed Level 1.
Unlikely ally (30 points) | Defeat the Forge Boss.