Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Complete the Album | Find all photos. | 50
Find the Cat | Complete level one. | 30
Find the Lost Levels | Unlock the Lost Levels. | 50
Get to the Beach | Complete all levels. | 50
Go Through the Cave | Complete chapter three. | 50
Go Through the City | Complete chapter two. | 35
Go Through the Factory | Complete chapter four. | 50
Go Through the Woods | Complete chapter one. | 35
Good vibes! | Unlock All Achievements. | 200
Is it just me who loves cherries? | Pick all the cherries. | 50
Love the Animals | Save the mouse. | 50
Strange Cheese | Find your way to the black and white world. | 50
The Lost Levels | Complete the Lost Levels. | 150
Wake up from the dream! | Complete the black and white levels. | 150