Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A new journey. | Leave the Archipelago. | 70
Compartmentalised. | Find all hidden underground chambers. | 90
For Granny. | Keep your promise. | 30
Into the sea. | Complete Chapter 4. | 30
No thief. | Leave the stolen key with its owner. | 90
Onward! | Start your journey. | 30
Remember Miri's song. | Fetch all notes from Miri's Song. | 90
Remembering Ardi. | Gather all memories on the island of Ardi. | 90
Remembering Bewwa. | Gather all memories on the island of Bewwa. | 90
Remembering Heima. | Gather all memories on the island of Heima. | 90
Remembering Leuhsa. | Gather all memories on the island of Leuhsa. | 90
Remembering Memorfesti. | Gather all memories on the island of Memorfesti. | 90
Save Ande. | Complete Chapter 3. | 30
Save Bergan. | Complete Chapter 2. | 30
Save Safan. | Complete Chapter 1. | 30
The one that runs away. | Guide Fridolin back to the house. | 30