Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Didn't Miss a Beat | Collect all Heart Chips. | 100
Egg Beamer | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 5. | 50
Egg Boss | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 10. | 50
Egg Chopper | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 6. | 50
Egg Dissolver | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 7. | 50
Egg Exploder | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 8. | 50
Egg Grinder | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 2. | 50
Egg Slicer | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 3. | 50
Egg Splasher | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 4. | 50
Egg Stomper | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 1. | 50
Egg Zapper | Collect the Easter Egg in Chapter 9. | 50
Escape from CatLab! | Finish the final level. You beat the game! | 100
LegenDairy | Collect Max Cheese in every level. | 100
Quick as a CatBot | Beat the goal time in every level. | 100
Who Needs 9? | Complete every level at least once without dying. | 100