Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
ADHD | Repeatedly open the bathroom door. | 40
Apprentice Electrician | Successfully repair the circuit box. | 40
Brother from the Walled City | Complete Chapter four "South Side". | 40
Chicken Chaser | Chase away hundred chickens. | 80
City Runner | Complete the prologue "Runner". | 40
Craftsman's Spirit | Help fix the clock in the elderly recreation center. | 40
Enter the Dojo | Help the child from the dumpling shop obtain a martial arts guidebook. | 40
First Try | Get the mouse doll on your first attempt. | 40
Food for the Needy | Give food to the hungry pregnant woman. | 40
Healing Hands | Use the elixir to rescue the little girl. | 40
Last Train | Complete the tram ride in Chapter two. | 40
Magnum Opus | Give the sheet music to the busker. | 40
Meatlover | Touch twenty slabs of meat. | 80
Much Needed Rest | Help the old lady sleep. | 40
Musician | Use the bottles to play a beautiful melody. | 40
New Electrician | Fix the dentist's circuit box. | 40
Next Level | Complete Chapter three "North Side". | 40
Reconciled Lovers | Help the arguing couple reconcile with each other. | 40
Rising Star | Complete all games within the arcade. | 40
Severed Love | Help the distressed woman in the salon with an old flame. | 40
Sky Tour | Complete Chapter one "West Side". | 40
Swift Hands | Complete "Block Breaker" in the arcade in under two minutes. | 40
Work Hard | Shut off power to make the baker work. | 40