Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Albert (50 points) | Albert has been executed.
Baseball (20 points) | Let's play baseball.
Bonus (50 points) | Bonus weapon.
Boss (20 points) | I'm the boss here.
CTHULHU (30 points) | Cthulhu has been slain.
Daredevil (30 points) | Hoverboard found.
Drowned (30 points) | Drown 5 times.
Easy (30 points) | Piece of cake.
Fish food (40 points) | Gobbled up.
Flick is Doomed (20 points) | You're on your own.
Hard (50 points) | Huh, am I still alive?
Head-on (30 points) | Fall off a hoverboard 5 times.
Hydrophobe (30 points) | Hydrophobe is dead.
King of Slugs (30 points) | The King of Slugs has fallen.
Medium (40 points) | Everything in moderation.
Mercy (30 points) | Brotherly Love.
Rest In Peace (30 points) | Calvin's dead.
Restless mind (30 points) | Calvin's alive.
Scrap metal (30 points) | Robot X01 has been destroyed.
Sky's the limit (30 points) | Jet pack found.
Superboots (20 points) | High jump.
Test pilot (30 points) | Abyss-mal fall.
The Keeper (30 points) | The Keeper has been slaughtered.
The Keeper of Underworld (30 points) | The Keeper of the Underworld has been annihilated.
The Needler (30 points) | The Needler is neutralized.
The Rat King (30 points) | The Rat King has been destroyed.
The collector (50 points) | All collectables have been found.
There, I fixed it (30 points) | Yay!
Tired (30 points) | Be right back.
Yay! (50 points) | Got all endings.
Yolo (20 points) | Die 25 times.