Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A storm brewing | Complete level three. | 20
Accomplished hoarder | Pick up 80% of the collectibles. | 35
All hands on deck | Complete level four. | 20
An eye for an eye | Complete level two. | 20
An uneasy alliance | Complete level ten. | 35
Back in a flash | On level 8, get through the first trenches nightmare in 150 seconds. | 50
Brawl for one | Brawl 10 thugs. | 20
Completionist | Pick up 100% of the collectibles. | 100
Cutting it fine | Complete an objective with 1 second left. | 35
Driven to distraction | Distract 10 guards. | 20
Fear no evil | Complete level eight. | 35
Finders keepers | Pick up 10% of the collectibles. | 20
Get the party started | Complete level one. | 20
Head of the family | Get the Gold time on all levels. | 100
Into the breach | Complete level five. | 20
Knock knock | Kick 10 doors. | 20
Knowledge is power | On level 3, eavesdrop on the Chinese in under 180 seconds. | 50
Magpie mentality | Pick up 50% of the collectibles. | 20
Master of puppets | Complete level nine. | 35
Mind games | Threaten 5 people. | 20
Night before the morning after | Complete level six. | 20
Penny pincher | Pickpocket 2 guards. | 35
Proving yourself | Get the Gold time on 3 levels. | 35
Pyromaniac | Burn 3 barricades. | 20
Showing promise | Get your first Gold time. | 35
Stick to the shadows | Complete 3 levels without getting spotted. | 50
Stroke of lock | Pick 3 locks. | 20
Time and time again | Rewind 300 seconds overall. | 50
What the tide dragged in | Complete level seven. | 20
You scratch my back... | Bribe 3 guards. | 20