Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Casa - De dia | You've been here. | 25
Casa - De noche | You've been here. | 25
Casa - Dia nublado | You've been here. | 25
Casa - Dormitorio | You've been here. | 25
Casa - Patio | You've been here. | 25
Casa - Sala | You've been here. | 25
Corso XXII Marzo - II | You've been here. | 25
Corso XXII Marzo - I | You've been here. | 25
Domenica - II | You've been here. | 25
Domenica - I | You've been here. | 25
Every Scene | See all the levels. | 100
Fruit juice | Spot the friut juice. | 50
Hotel de Immigrantes - II | You've been here. | 25
Hotel de Immigrantes - I | You've been here. | 25
In the clouds | Find the TV in less than 40 seconds. | 100
La Camiseta | Spot the Albiceleste's jersey. | 100
Mate | Spot the mate. | 50
Paese nella nebbia - II | You've been here. | 25
Paese nella nebbia - I | You've been here. | 25
Playthrough | Complete one playthrough. | 100
Pubblicità | Watch all the ads. | 100
Via Fiamma 10 - II | You've been here. | 25
Via Fiamma 10 - I | You've been here. | 25