Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Back to Black (80 points) | Reach an END with Mia and Lucas.
Falling Snow (120 points) | Reach the White End.
Heavy Cross (80 points) | Reach an END with Mia and Owen.
I Think We're Alone Now (80 points) | Reach an END with Lucas and Owen.
Leaving Home (80 points) | Leave Freya's home.
Retraced Days (80 points) | Return to the beginning.
The Adventuress (80 points) | Reach Mia's END.
The Courageous (80 points) | Reach Owen's END.
The Damsel (80 points) | Reach Claire's END.
The Detective (80 points) | Reach Lucas' END.
The Victory March (80 points) | Reach the Gold END.
Until I Return (80 points) | Complete the true puzzle.