Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
All Covered Up | Get fully clothed (all 7 clothing slots filled). | 30
Barrels O'Fun | Destroy 100 Barrels. | 30
Bear-Knuckle Boxer | Kill a bear without using a firearm. | 15
Can You Smell That? | Harvest 5,000 Sulfur Ore. | 15
Double Eleven | Play on an official Double Eleven server at 11:11 (AM or PM). | 15
Enter Night, Exit Light | Kill a sleeping player while you are wearing a Metal Facemask. | 15
Ex-hemp-lary | Harvest 500 Cloth. | 15
Game Of Stones | Harvest 120,000 Stone. | 90
Getting Your Five A Day | Eat five different fruits or vegetables in a single day. | 15
Gonna Take Pollution Down To Zero | Use the Recycler 50 times. | 30
Heavy Metal | Harvest 25,000 Metal Ore. | 30
Home, Sweet Home | Build/Upkeep (24hrs) a base with a Workbench, Repair Bench, Research Station, BBQ and Sleeping Bag. | 90
Hunting Season | Kill at least one of every animal. | 15
I Am The One Who Knocks | Use a 'Timed Explosive' to destroy a locked door. | 15
I'm A Lumberjack and I'm Okay | Harvest 75,000 Wood. | 30
I'm A Scrapman! | Collect 10,000 Scrap. | 30
I'm King Of The World | Climb up to the top of the Dome. | 10
Incoming! | Loot all of the items from an Air Drop event supply crate. | 30
It's Kill Or Be Killed | Kill 10 other players who are not sleeping. | 90
Look On My Works, Ye Mighty, And Despair! | Craft 150 items in total. | 30
Now I Have A Machine Gun | Craft your first firearm. | 15
Passing Notes In Class | Leave a sleeping player a 'note' in their inventory. | 15
Rusty Nightingale | Revive 5 wounded players. | 30
Sleepless Nights | Spend a full night in each biome. | 15
So Long, Old Friend | Use a rock to breaking point. | 15
Stone Cold Killer | Kill another player using a rock. | 30
That's Gotta Be A Red Card | Solve a medium tier monument puzzle and loot a Red Keycard from the final room. | 15
Welcome to Rust | Spend 5 days (in game) on an official server. | 30
Well Travelled | Visit Monuments 50 times. | 90
What Would MacGyver Do? | Learn 50 Blueprints. | 90
Yeah, Science! | Kill an AI Scientist. | 15