Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A Passion for Handiwork | Build all of the upgrades. | 80
All Bark, No Bite | Find every piece of bark. | 30
Baby Smurf Is All Grown Up | Complete the adventure in Easy mode. | 20
Back in the Village | Complete the adventure in Normal mode. | 30
Clean as a Whistle | Heal the entire village. | 80
Faster Than a Speeding Hefty! | SmurfoSprint for hundred meters. | 30
First Steps | Build your first upgrade | 20
Flower Power | Find the flower for the Smurfizer. | 20
Fun with Fungi | Find all of the mushrooms. | 20
Green Fingers | Make ten flowers of every color grow by using the Smufizer. | 20
Hefty? Did You Say Hefty? | Complete the adventure in Hard mode. | 80
Hop Like a Bunny | Perform ten perfect jumps in a row. | 30
Lab Rat | Find every vial. | 30
Lazin' around | Find and wake up Lazy three times. | 80
Make Yourself at Home | Get across the Laboratory without getting caught by Gargamel. | 30
Making Papa Smurf Proud! | Complete the 100% of the game. | 30
No Time Like the Present | Find all of Jokey's presents. | 20
Reach for the Stars | SmurfoGlide for ten seconds. | 20
Vileball Stomper | Jump on three Vilecritters' heads in a row. | 80
Without Smurfing a Sound | Find all of the mandrakes. | 20