Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Auctioner | Sell 10 items. | 30
Bling | Find 5 rare items. | 15
Digging Gold | Sell your first item. | 15
Digging a Hole | Find 20 common items. | 15
Exceptional | Find 10 legendary items. | 90
Experienced | Find 5 items. | 15
Finish Line | Finish the story mode. | 90
First Steps | Find your first item. | 15
Globetrotter | Travel the world. | 90
Hard Metal | Buy your first metal detector. | 30
Hunter for Hire | Finish 10 jobs. | 80
Hunter | Find your first legendary item. | 30
Investor | Have a total of 1000$. | 30
Making Money | Sell 5 items. | 15
New at the Job | Finish your first job. | 30
Photographer | Take 20 photos with your PDA. | 80
Prestigious | Reach the top prestige level. | 90
Rare | Find your first rare item. | 15
Speedrunner | Finish 5 time trials. | 90
Technology | Buy your first digital detector. | 30
Through Dirt | Find 10 common items. | 15
Treasure Hunter | Find 5 legendary items. | 90