Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
All The Rangs! | Buy all the rangs from Sly's Shack. | 75
Burramudgee GraffiTY | Finish in first place in all races. | 75
Bush Rescue Out Of Order | Complete all the missions. | 75
Bush Rescued | Complete the game. | 100
Cryptocartographer | Buy all the maps from Madame Mopoke. | 25
Everything and the Kitchen Sink | Finish the game to 100% complete. | 100
Falterdan! | Find, and listen to, Steve in all his locations. | 25
Hollywood Square | Complete all the Birrel and Squeaver missions. | 25
I Need Rangs! | Buy all the rangs from the Rang Shop. | 40
Into Orb-it | Find all the Kromium Orbs. | 25
Keymaster | Buy all the bunyip licenses. | 25
Nice Guys DON'T Finish Last | Finish any race in first place. | 25
Oils Well That Ends Well | Put out the fires on the oil rig. | 25
Opal Hoarder | Collect a total of 200,000 opals. | 25
Photo Booth | Find all the picture frames. | 25
Silence Is Golden But Cogs Are Silver | Find all the cogs. | 25
Skinny Dipper | Buy ALL the skins for TY and the Fourbie, from Trader Bob. | 25
You Have A Friend In Me | Find all the Bilbies. | 25