Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Abolitionist | Complete all of Alcott's deliveries. | 80
Activist | Go to jail in protest. | 15
Archaeologist | Find 20 arrowheads. | 15
Bean farmer | Harvest 20 bean plants. | 15
Carpenter | Nail 20 boards. | 15
Fisherman | Catch 20 fish. | 15
Forager | Pick 20 edible plants. | 15
Good son | Help your family by paying your father's bills. | 30
Hermit | Never go into town. | 80
Journal keeper | Write entries about 100 objects in your journal. | 30
Naturalist | Find all of Dr. Agassiz's specimens. | 80
Poet | Find all of Sophia's poems. | 30
Published author | Publish all your manuscripts with Greeley and lecture in Boston. | 80
Sailor | Take 20 boat rides. | 15
Saunterer | Walk 20 miles. | 15
Second summer | Begin a second year in the woods. | 15
Self-reliant | Never buy anything at the General Store. | 80
Sojourner | Walk 50 miles. | 40
Surveyor | Survey Walden Pond. | 80
Tailor | Mend 20 seams. | 15
Taxpayer | Pay back taxes. | 30
Townie | Spend an hour in town. | 15
Transcendentalist | Find all of Emerson's books. | 30
Walden millionaire | Earn $100.00. | 80
Woodchopper | Chop 20 logs. | 15