Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Demon, dem-off | Defeat Boss: Demon Lord. | 100
Eat that, ghouls | Beat level 18 in Ghoul. | 50
Eat this, zombies | Beat level 48 in Zombies. | 100
Epic fail | Let all neighbors die in a level. | 10
Friendly neighborhood zombies | Finish a level. | 10
Ghost pirate, real booty | Defeat Boss: Ghost Pirate. | 40
Highway to hell | Reach 50000 score. | 40
I (was), Robot | Defeat Boss: Robot. | 40
Just getting started | Reach 10000 score. | 10
No neighbors left behind | Save the max neighbors in one level. | 30
No tombstone unturned | Access all bonus levels in Zombies. | 100
Old school save game | Sucessfully enter a password. | 10
Pack a lot of ghoul gear | Find all the weapon types in Ghoul. | 40
Pack a lot of zombie gear | Find all the weapon types in Zombies. | 100
Royal, flushed | Defeat Boss: Royal Revenant. | 40
Samurai Ghost, busted | Defeat Boss: Samurai Ghost. | 40
Scorin' scorin' scorin' scorin' | Reach 250000 score. | 100
That was not in the script | Access a bonus level in Zombies. | 40
Zombie starvation | Save all the neighbors in Zombies. | 100