Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Absolution (100 points) | Forgive but don't forget.
Bad Ending (75 points) | Quick to judge, slow to self-correct.
Connoisseur (100 points) | This looks familiar.
End of the Road (100 points) | This is where it ends.
Executioner (50 points) | Don't let him get away.
Forgiving (50 points) | Maybe she panicked.
Good Ending (75 points) | Judge not and you shall not be judged.
Merciful (50 points) | He doesn't deserve to die.
Nightmare ending (75 points) | Judge, jury and executioner.
Pathfinder (75 points) | This is where it all started.
Rehabilitator (50 points) | A deal is a deal.
Relentless (50 points) | She didn't help the others.
Retribution (100 points) | The guilty should be punished.
Slayer (50 points) | He shot others.