Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Arachnicide | Kill the Spider Queen.
Back to the Abyss | Kill the Lurking Horror.
Bullseye | Get hit by your own arrow.
Dragonslayer | Kill the Dragon Lord.
Head collector | Chop fifteen heads enemies in one game.
Heads up | Headchop an enemy.
Loot! | Find the secret gate to the loot room.
Marksman | Kill a flying enemy with an arrow.
Might over magic | Kill the Sorcerer of Thorn.
Pile of bones | Kill the Lich King and Queen.
Ready for battle | Finish the tutorial.
Ring the Bell | Hit the lantern on the title screen.
Smithereens | Get killed by an explosive barrel.
Treasure | Get the key to a chest.
Unite the crystals | Gain all five crystals.
Victory! | Finish the game.