Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Collector (40 points) | Purchase five perks.
Employee (20 points) | Complete one quest.
Hoarder (60 points) | Purchase ten perks.
Manager (40 points) | Complete five quests.
Mega-Kill (90 points) | Destroy five units in one turn.
Multi-Kill (30 points) | Destroy three units in one turn.
Shiny Tool (20 points) | Purchase one perk.
Sparring Partner (30 points) | Defeat the AI in a Skirmish game.
Story: AA-Team (60 points) | Complete the AA-Team story.
Story: General Mort (60 points) | Complete the General Mort story.
Story: Morena of Uld (60 points) | Complete the Morena of Uld story.
Story: Rat Mother (60 points) | Complete the Rat Mother story.
Story: Riven the Mad (60 points) | Complete the Riven the Mad story.
Story: Sister Robyn (60 points) | Complete the Sister Robyn story.
Story: WarHawk (60 points) | Complete the WarHawk story.
Ultra-Kill (60 points) | Destroy four units in one turn.
War Bonds (30 points) | Obtain 10000 gold from career quest rewards.
War Horse (60 points) | Complete ten quests.
War Treasury (100 points) | Obtain 25000 gold from career quest rewards.