Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Air Time (50 points) | Make the bridge jump in Serpentine Valley.
Annie (50 points) | Keep a constant speed.
Break the soundbarrier (50 points) | Break the soundbarrier.
Close call (50 points) | Win a close race.
Crocco (50 points) | Unlock the crocco.
Expeditious (50 points) | Play 400 quick races.
First Bling (50 points) | Buy your first item.
Going places (50 points) | Play all the maps.
Immortal (50 points) | Don't die during a race.
No Fear (50 points) | Play 400 death races.
Novice (50 points) | Finished your first race.
Owner (50 points) | Buy all items.
Player trapper! (50 points) | Trigger 500 traps.
Prestine (50 points) | Take no damage during a race.
Rookie (50 points) | You finished your first tournament.
Tic Toc (50 points) | Play 400 countdown races.
Too fast too furious (50 points) | Lap someone.
Veteran (50 points) | Finish the last tournament.
Victory! (50 points) | Win an online race.
X1Z1 (50 points) | Unlock the X1Z1.