Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
All buffs (70 points) | Get all buffs during one game session.
All is well! (50 points) | Activate the well.
Beginner (5 points) | Successfully kick 10 different cars.
Buffed (30 points) | Be buffed.
Car trip (10 points) | Ride a car.
Carrot Vandal # 1 (75 points) | Destroy 100 carrots.
Carrot Vandal # 2 (35 points) | Destroy 50 carrots.
Carrot Vandal # 3 (20 points) | Destroy 10 carrots.
Chickens Hater (55 points) | Kick chickens 50 times during one game session.
Colorful (10 points) | Change the color of the bunny.
First big step (55 points) | Complete day 1 on normal difficulty.
First greatest step (95 points) | Complete day 1 on hard difficulty.
First small step (5 points) | Complete day 1 on easy difficulty.
Goalkicker (75 points) | Kick 20 football goals during one game session.
Good progress! (70 points) | Successfully kick 100 different cars.
Great kicker! (200 points) | Successfully kick 1000 different cars.
Kappa Kappa Kappa (55 points) | Become the owner of 3 Kappas simultaneously.
The Master (25 points) | Summon Kappa.
Trampoline Champion (50 points) | Make jumps from one trampoline to another 3 times without touching the ground.
Water trip (10 points) | Ride a boat.