Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
50 Credits (60 points) | Grab all weapon and armor upgrades for a character.
A new era (100 points) | Beat the game.
All my love for side quests (100 points) | Complete 50 side quests.
Classy (60 points) | Unlock all optional classes.
Dinner time (30 points) | Grab some food and place it on your table.
Full Squad (30 points) | Play with 4 roleplayers at once.
Grind Master (60 points) | Reach level 25.
I got 99 items and a ratburger ain't one (100 points) | Gather 99 of any consumable items in your inventory.
Last Stand (60 points) | Defeat a boss with a single character alive.
Munchkin (60 points) | Create a character with a 9 in any attribute
Planet Prober (60 points) | Gather 100 minerals.
Space Y Intern (60 points) | Land on 25 different planets.
Talkative (60 points) | Talk to 50 npcs.
Tanton Army Knife (30 points) | Complete all quest types.
Wannabe Hero (100 points) | Unlock all reputation perks.
What does that ship do? Oops... (30 points) | Engage a pirate ship and win the battle.