Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
HM1 - 1989 (10 points) | Kill 1989 enemies.
HM1 - 60 TO CAR (10 points) | Go to the car 60 times.
HM1 - ACED IT (15 points) | Get an A+ on any chapter.
HM1 - ACHIEVEMENT ADDICT (55 points) | Unlock all achievements.
HM1 - ALWAYS ON TOP (15 points) | Perform every ground kill in the game.
HM1 - BATMAN (15 points) | Clear Chapter 2 using Nigel the Bat.
HM1 - CAT FIGHT (10 points) | Kill the panthers using Brandon the Panther.
HM1 - COMBO BEGINNER (10 points) | Perform a 4x combo.
HM1 - COMBO INTERMEDIATE (10 points) | Perform a 6x combo.
HM1 - COMBO KING (25 points) | Perform a 12x combo.
HM1 - COMBO MASTER (15 points) | Perform a 10x combo.
HM1 - COMBO PRO (10 points) | Perform an 8x combo.
HM1 - DOG LOVER (10 points) | Kill 99 dogs.
HM1 - DOMINO EFFECT (10 points) | Throw a weapon at an enemy so that his weapon hits another.
HM1 - EYE FOR DETAILS (15 points) | Collect all the puzzle pieces.
HM1 - GET A LIFE (25 points) | Get A+ on all the chapters.
HM1 - GUNS FOR SHOW (15 points) | Use all guns at least once.
HM1 - I GOT NEW FRIENDS (15 points) | Unlock all weapons.
HM1 - KARMA (10 points) | Die 1000 times.
HM1 - KNIFE FOR PROS (10 points) | Use all melee weapons at least once.
HM1 - LET IN SOME AIR (10 points) | Destroy 200 glass panels.
HM1 - NIGEL LOWRIE (10 points) | Use a human shield.
HM1 - PITCHER (15 points) | Use all throwing weapons at least once.
HM1 - PLAIN LUCK (15 points) | Hit three or more enemies with the same weapon in one throw.
HM1 - PLAYING POOL (10 points) | Hit an enemy with a weapon bounced against a wall.
HM1 - SEWER ALLIGATOR (10 points) | Find Jones the Crocodile.
HM1 - SMELL SOMETHING BURNING (10 points) | Kill the crapping gangster with a fireaxe.
HM1 - SOUNDS OF ANIMALS FIGHTING (10 points) | Wear all masks at least once.
HM1 - THAT'S IT? (25 points) | Beat the epilogue.
HM1 - THE BOSS (10 points) | Solve the Puzzle.
HM1 - THE END? (15 points) | Beat the main story.
HM1 - THESE ARE MY GUNS (15 points) | Complete chapter five barehanded.
HM1 - THIS IS IT (25 points) | Beat the epilogue with secret ending.
HM1 - TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE (10 points) | Hit two enemies with the same weapon in one throw.
HM1 - ZOO KEEPER (25 points) | Collect all the masks.
HM2 - 1-800-CLEARED (25 points) | Finish the game.
HM2 - 1-800-GETHELP (25 points) | Finish the game on hard mode.
HM2 - 1-800-GODDAMN (25 points) | Get A+ on all levels on normal.
HM2 - A BOX FULL OF SHARP OBJECTS (15 points) | Use every weapon in the game at least once.
HM2 - ACHIEVEMENT ADDICT (50 points) | Unlock all achievements.
HM2 - ASSASSIN'S CRED (15 points) | Clear 1st floor of NO MERCY with the silencer.
HM2 - COMBO BEGINNER (10 points) | Perform a 5x combo.
HM2 - COMBO GOD (25 points) | Perform a 20x combo.
HM2 - COMBO INTERMEDIATE (10 points) | Perform a 10x combo.
HM2 - COMBO MASTER (15 points) | Perform a 15x combo.
HM2 - DEAD SILENT (15 points) | Kill the gang leader on SUBWAY without being seen.
HM2 - DON'T LET ANGER GET THE BEST OF YOU (25 points) | Clear all of the Writer's levels without killing.
HM2 - EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! (15 points) | Get the big picture.
HM2 - FAMILY BUSINESS (10 points) | Clear a level with each of the Son's techniques.
HM2 - FANATIC (10 points) | Clear a level with each Fan.
HM2 - FANTASTIC! (10 points) | Unlock all the Fans.
HM2 - FOLLOW THE SCRIPT (10 points) | Do as the Director says!
HM2 - GENOCIDE (15 points) | Kill 50,000 enemies.
HM2 - GOT YOUR BACK (10 points) | Shoot two enemies during a chainsaw finish.
HM2 - I'M COMING IN AND I'M UNARMED! (15 points) | Finish HOMICIDE without using guns.
HM2 - KARMA (10 points) | Die 1000 times.
HM2 - NUCLEAR WASTE (15 points) | They won't reach the Nuclear Throne.
HM2 - PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE (10 points) | Destroy 100 electronic devices.
HM2 - SNAKE CHARMER (10 points) | Unlock all snake masks.
HM2 - SNAKES ON A HEAD (10 points) | Clear a level with each snake mask.
HM2 - STARE INTO THE ABYSS (25 points) | Unlock THE ABYSS.
HM2 - THE BAR OF BROKEN HEROES (25 points) | Meet up with the Biker.
HM2 - THIS IS MY RIFLE, THIS IS MY GUN... (10 points) | Unlock all weapons for the Soldier.
HM2 - WHAT YOU LEAVE FOR YOUR SONS (10 points) | Unlock all of the Son's techniques.