Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
Alexit! | You saved the world and got Alaska back.
Anomaly | Did you really think Anka was gone for good?
Auction | Alcohol is at a premium here in Alaska.
Buck or doe? | Elementary, my dear, Vasily Ivanovich.
Burn it all! | Cool guys don't look at explosions.
Butthurt | Just admit it - you like to watch Pete suffer.
Chapaev's double | They look so alike!
Copy that, Roger. | Save our souls! Please!
Darwin award | We forgot about parachutes!
Death course | Just a few made it to the end.
Distance relationship | To hear Anka's voice in Alaska - priceless.
Fair trade | I need your truck.
Fair victory | Win a million without cheating.
Familiar landscape | Look! It's an apiary!
From Dusk Till Dawn | You defeated the vampires.
He's almost Robinson | You found naturalist's journal.
Homesickness | Beekeeper won't forget this.
I am ****locked | At least you gave it a try.
I vs Robot | Can a robot write a symphony?
Jackpot | Feel the power of magnets!
Jump | Don't forget to release it!
Merry Christmas! | You saved Santa and got the presents.
Monkey hunt | You've captured Tarzan.
Mystical wall | No mystic, just tech.
On alien shores | Still home sick, aren't you?
Over the river | O-opossum, we came with peace.
Perky lady | You should never underestimate the feminine wiles.
Rastafarian | Ta-da! You're knocked out.
Red room | 50 shades of sergeant.
Rhymer | A sportsman, young communist and poet rolled into one Pete!
Scientific interest | At least you heard that fable about eagle.
Sober Alaska | What's that suppose mean - where's no alcohol?!
Welcome back | Off to Save the World Once Again.
Wonderland | Mexico has it all.