The following are sixteen advanced tips to help complete the campaign more quickly
and easily.
1. Use Random Survivor Rolls For Rare Skills: At the start of a new game, if you skip the tutorial, you can re-roll a set of three survivors. Always try to get three survivors with special rare skills —- Computers, Chemistry, Gardening, and especially Medicine. Standard skills do not matter, as you will be able to naturally level those up.
2. Fire-Crackers Are The Best Item: Decoys (fire-crackers in particular) are the best item in the game. Always bring a few fire-crackers with you on all outings. They are easy and cheap to create (10 parts at the workshop), and they will help you escape any deadly situation. If you are outnumbered by zombies and need to make a quick escape, throw fire-crackers and run to your car.
3. Only Answer Help Calls From Current Enclaves: Once you establish a base, you will regularly get calls for help. It can be difficult to tell who you should be helping. If you have allied (or even neutral) enclaves on your map, only answer those calls. You can safely ignore the calls from random strangers, as it does not matter if you skip them. If you skip local enclave calls, they will become cold and eventually hostile towards you.
4. Random Enclave Calls And Stranger Jobs Give Rucksacks: If you complete side missions for enclaves, or rescue survivors then refuse to let them join your community, they will usually drop a resource rucksack on the ground after they stop following you. They do not say anything about giving it to you -- it will just appear on the ground. Make sure not to miss it.
5. Ally With Enclaves For Bonus Status Effects, Survivors, And Faster Influence: It is very beneficial to become friends with every local enclave. Once you become allies, you will unlock bonus special status effects, such as extra storage and unique radio commands. You can also earn more influence through trade, or even obtain useful survivors. Talk to allied enclaves to recruit any of their members —- it will cause the enclave to disappear, but it is worth it if they have skills you need.
6. Do Not Worry About Clearing Out Infestations: Your community will constantly complain about the level of infestation on the map. It really is not worth the effort to clear out infestations. You will only earn a small amount of respect and influence, and morale will improve —- but the morale effects can easily be countered. Focus on collecting resources and helping allies. If you have nothing else to do, you can then consider clearing out some infestations.
7. Go To Every Survey Site, Then Use The Radio To Locate All Plague Hearts: To quickly complete the Plague Hearts goal, you need to locate all the Plague Hearts. Usually, there are about 12 Plague Hearts on every map. Slowly move from your starting point and stop at all survey towers to scout the environment. Usually you will locate hearts, but eventually you may have a hard time finding the final one or two hearts. When that happens, use the radio and request a Plague Heart location.
8. Build Six Pipe/Soda Can Bombs To Quickly Destroy Plague Hearts: Plague Hearts are your main goal for most of the game. To destroy them safely while solo (even with the weakest survivor), you just need a lot of explosives and a decoy or two. It helps to bring as many decoys and explosives as you possible (a gun is also helpful). Simply put down a decoy outside the Plague Heart, then run inside and hit the heart with all the bombs you can.
9. Save Your Influence For The Best Base —- Only Move Once: Influence is extremely valuable -- so do not waste it on unnecessary things. There are six bases on every map —- your goal is to earn either 1,500 or 3,500 influence so you can purchase the large base (low customization) or the huge base (high customization) for your community. Before selecting a new base, search the map and unlock all of them. You can get an overview of a base's facilities from the map menu.
10. Break Down Resources For Instant And Better Rewards: If you are full on storage and have too many resources, break them down for bonus rewards that are even better than if you take them back to base and deposit them. For example, you will spend one gas resource to get a gas can, but if you break down a gas rucksack outside your base, you will get one gas can and two Molotov cocktails.
11. Raid Evacuation Sites, Military Comms, And Police Stations For The Best Weapons: Military areas and government buildings are where you can find the best weapons. Guns stores are good for ammo resources, pistols, and rifles, but go to Evacuation Sites, Military Comms Stations, and Military Checkpoints for assault rifles, grenade launchers, and high-tech mods. You can get shotguns from Police Stations. Shotguns are one of the best weapons for killing freaks.
12. Craft Silencers For Bolt-Action Rifles and Revolvers: Silencers are a great addition to almost any weapon, but they are best equipped to bolt-action rifles, or revolvers if you have enough ammo. Silencers make your shots much quieter, but also cause your weapon to break down and lose durability quicker. Revolvers and bolt-action rifles never lose durability -- so you never have to worry about wasting parts to repair them. Silencers also never break -- so you can use them as much as desired. Upgraded workshops also provide better silencers.
13. Use Mods To Unlock The Best Facilities/Abilities: Mods allow you to not have to provide power to your entire base or unlock water if you have Portable Power Generators or Water Coolers. Search for facility mods whenever you go on resource raids, and bring them back if you find them. They are very valuable -— install a mod and check to see if they require anything else. Water Coolers and Portable Generators need to be filled daily. A good generator only needs one gas per day. The best mod is the High-Powered Antennae. When this mod is installed at a Command Center, it gives you access to another outpost. Look for it in military areas or government buildings.
14. Use Guns Against Freaks: Normally, you never want to fight a Freak within melee range. Bloaters need to be shot in the head (or stomach), and Screamers also need a head shot to take down before they yell. Run Ferals down with your vehicle, or use a shotgun to quickly kill them. Juggernauts are the most difficult, but any weapon can work on them. Hide in a house and headshot them until they are dead. It usually takes about 15-20 bullets, depending on the power of your weapon.
15. Use Guns Against Humans: Eventually, you will fight human enemies in the game. Use guns against them. Humans are pretty resilient, unless you get a headshot, which is an instant kill. Flashbangs and fire-crackers are also very helpful against humans. When fighting humans, drop fire-crackers near them and zombies will swarm toward them. Usually you will be outnumbered -- so the undead will be drawn to your enemy's gun shots. Aim carefully and wait in chokepoints, then headshot the incoming humans before they can shoot you. Their guns can kill your survivors extremely quickly -- so make sure to play it safe.
16. Complete Legacy Goals To Unlock New Game+ Bonuses: There are four legacy goals you can complete to win a game in State Of Decay 2: Sheriff, Builder, Trader, and Warlord. For each legacy goal completed, you can select a card at the start of a New Game+ to get a special bonus. You can select up to two cards -- so it is worth completing the story many times so you get great bonus rewards at the start of New Game+. For example, completing the Sheriff goal will get you a bunch of rare loot daily.