Achievement | How to unlock
1,000 Apples! | You refilled the tree so much it let go 1,000 apples on the ground!
10 liters of water! | You refilled the lake so much your hamsters drank a lot!
100,000 Happiness! | Wow, your hamsters have been so happy!
50 Hamsters! | You have more than 50 hamsters on your land! Wow, that is a lot!
Baby! | Oh, a happy couple brought a little baby hamster!
Fainting! | You managed to make more than 10 hamsters faint at once!
Free hamster! | You watched an ad and got a free hamster!
Love! | Two hamsters fall in love and now follow each other, how cute!
Nursery! | Hey, your hamsters gave life to 10 babies!
Umbrellas! | You have seen a light rain, maybe some umbrellas too?
Yay, a friend! | You added a second hamster on your land!