Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Alone (50 points) | Finish level 4.
Always together (10 points) | Activate co-op play.
Ashes (50 points) | Finish level 7.
Away (50 points) | Finish level 3.
Bouncer (10 points) | Perform 100 jumps on jump pads on Level 6.
Bubble addict (10 points) | Explode 100 drew drops on Level 2.
Bushman (10 points) | Step on 50 passable bushes on Level 3.
Caring partner (10 points) | Finish level 10 without dying.
Dancer (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 5.
Fire safety (10 points) | Finish level 7 without touching fire once.
Fruit (50 points) | Finish level 6.
Gone with the wind (10 points) | Touch 200 dandelions.
Gravity master (10 points) | Finish level 8 without dying.
Heater (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 6.
Hope (50 points) | Finish level 10.
Joy (50 points) | Finish level 2.
Just kidding (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 2.
Last breath (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 10.
Last kiss (50 points) | Finish the game.
Old (50 points) | Finish level 9.
Perfect Love (140 points) | Get all achievements in the game.
Perfect memory (100 points) | Get all collectibles in the game.
Purple hater (10 points) | Finish level 5 without stepping on a single purple flower.
Remember when (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 8.
Romance (50 points) | Finish level 5.
She (50 points) | Finish level 1.
Shy guy (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 1.
Solace (50 points) | Finish level 8.
Sorrow (10 points) | Finish level 4 without being touched by a single sorrow.
Sorrow collector (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 4.
The explorer (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 3.
Time goes by (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 9.
Vanishing memories (10 points) | Get all collectibles on level 7.
Warm guy (10 points) | Finish level 9 without dying of cold.