Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Big Spender (10 points) | Buy something from a shop.
Boffin (50 points) | Get S rank on every level.
Cat Burgler (30 points) | Disable the museum security under 60 seconds.
Escort Mission (20 points) | Finish a level with a Golden Pigeon.
Exposed (40 points) | Find all secret keycards.
Extinction (15 points) | Kill a zombie using a dinosaur.
EZ (20 points) | Finish in 1st place while playing multiplayer.
First Step (10 points) | Complete level 1.
Flawless (50 points) | Finish a level without losing your streak.
GG (25 points) | Earn an S rank on any level.
Gingerbread man (10 points) | Superdodge 30 times.
Got Moves (10 points) | Collected a skill.
Group therapy (20 points) | Kill 4 enemies with a single attack.
Hard as nails (50 points) | Finish the game in Hard mode.
Hot Streak (30 points) | Reach a hitstreak of 500.
I Can Fly (25 points) | Pogo 3 times before touching the ground.
Is that all you got? (40 points) | Beat the final level without dying.
Keycard 1 (20 points) | Find the first secret keycard.
Keycard 2 (20 points) | Find the second secret keycard.
Keycard 3 (20 points) | Find the third secret keycard.
Keycard 4 (20 points) | Find the fourth secret keycard.
Keycard 5 (20 points) | Find the fifth secret keycard.
Max Out (20 points) | Upgrade a skill to max level.
No one left behind (15 points) | Revive a player in multiplayer.
Professional (30 points) | Unlock every skill.
Raining Limbs (15 points) | Explode kill 50 zombies.
Safety first (20 points) | Avoid all signs during Train Ride.
Seasoned Survivor (30 points) | Complete level 6.
Social (10 points) | Play an online multiplayer game.
Streaker (15 points) | Reach a hitstreak of 100.
That'll be mine then (10 points) | Steal the Golden Pigeon from another player.
The End? (40 points) | Reached the end of the game.