Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
A Shocking Lack Of Respect (Bronze) | Destroy 100 gravestones.
Almost A Hero (Silver) | Give the Knights of Gallowmere everything you have.
Arsonist (Bronze) | Set 50 enemies on fire.
Deathly Smorgasbord (Bronze) | Die 7 different ways.
Dizzy Decimator (Bronze) | Defeat 30 enemies with the sword spin attack.
Gimme That Back! (Bronze) | Lose, then recover your weapon from an Imp.
Healthiest Man Alive - Er Dead (Silver) | Collect every Life Bottle.
If It Slithers, I Slays (Silver) | Kill the Serpent of Gallowmere.
Impaired Drivers (Bronze) | Defeat both Mecha Imps and their taunting Imp pilots.
King of Cups (Gold) | Collect all the chalice rewards.
Master Dan-At-Arms (Bronze) | Collect every weapon.
Morten Would Be Proud (Gold) | Collect all entries of the Book of Gallowmere.
Mostly Armless (Bronze) | Kill something with your own arm.
Not So Armless (Bronze) | Defeat Stained Glass Demon with just your arm.
Now With Added Magic! (Bronze) | Enchant the Broad Sword.
Partial To The Potions (Bronze) | Drink 32 Health Vials.
Quest Complete-est (Gold) | Complete all levels in the game.
Savior of Gallowmere (Platinum) | Unlock all trophies.
Sir Moneybags (Bronze) | Collect 10,000 gold coins.
The Answer Is Chicken (Bronze) | Throw 42 chicken legs.
Zip Zap Imp Splat (Bronze) | Fry a dozen Imps with Lightning.