Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation 4 trophy rewards.
Trophy | How to unlock
Be Quick Or Be Dead (Silver) | Parry an enemy melee attack 15 times in a single playthrough.
Blood Brothers (Silver) | Defeat Itnan.
Breadth Over Depth (Silver) | Upgrade 10 different weapons at least once in a single playthrough.
Bringer Of Darkness (Bronze) | Destroy 70 lights in a single playthrough.
Coup De Grace (Gold) | Kill Furrok by delivering the final blow with his own flaming hammers.
Crate Worse Than Death (Bronze) | Destroy 60 crates in a single playthrough.
Eight Worms A-Leaping (Bronze) | Kill all 8 leaping Swamp Worms in the Eco-Dome.
Forged From Blood (Silver) | Fully upgrade a melee weapon.
Gelatinous Splatimous (Bronze) | Defeat Lord Jylskel.
Get Used To It (Bronze) | Die for the first time.
Giddy Up! (Bronze) | Motivate a Stone Worm in the Worm Tunnels 10 times during a single ride.
Hammer Of The Gods (Silver) | Defeat Furrok.
Hand Cannon (Silver) | Fully upgrade a pistol weapon.
Headbanger (Silver) | Parry Hydravok's heads 3 times in a single life.
Heavy Metal (Silver) | Defeat the Ironclad Desolator.
Here Comes Revenge (Silver) | Hit an enemy with a Shield Counter-Blast 25 times in a single playthrough.
I Seek Power (Bronze) | Upgrade a weapon for the first time.
Just Another Bug Hunt (Bronze) | Defeat the Bloodstalker Queen.
Livin' On The Edge (Silver) | Finish the Landing Pad without activating any checkpoints.
Lord Of Metal (Gold) | Finish the game with 10 or fewer deaths.
Megadeath (Silver) | Kill 1000 enemies in a single playthrough.
No Hiding Place (Silver) | Discover every secret area in a single playthrough.
One Man Army (Silver) | Find every weapon in a single playthrough.
Powerslave (Silver) | Fully upgrade a destroyer weapon.
Right Back 'Atcha (Bronze) | Kill 10 Hive Workers by reflecting their gunk balls back at them in a single life.
Risk Versus Reward (Silver) | Exchange 15 Resurrection Idols for Blood Metals in a single playthrough.
Rust In Peace (Bronze) | Defeat the Exterminator.
Slain! (Bronze) | Die 50 times.
Son Of Valfaris (Gold) | Defeat Hydravok.
Sparks Will Fly (Silver) | Destroy all 9 Tetra Sentries in the Power Chambers in a single life.
Speed King (Gold) | Complete the game in under 2 hours.
Take Them Down (Bronze) | Slash and destroy 40 projectiles in a single playthrough.
That'll Leave a Mark (Bronze) | Drop the wrecking ball on the Junk Gargoyle.
Trash Compactor (Bronze) | Defeat the Junk Gargoyle.
Unlock all trophies (Platinum) | Unlock all trophies