Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
2 for 1 | Eliminate the same player twice within one second.
Beam Me Up Scotty | Teleport out of game right before getting crushed.
Cotton Candy | Destroy a cloud sentinel as the cloud beast.
Doppelgängers | Win a round while having at least one clone.
Firecrackers | Destroy multiple magic arrows with a single catch spell.
From Beyond the Grave | Eliminate an opponent after dying.
Fully Operational | Eliminate three opponents with one death ray or fireball.
Ghostbusters | Cross the Beams.
I'll Be Bok | Eliminate an enemy while you are in chicken form.
Jugglenauts | Pass the sphere to your team-mate 7 times without the other team touching it.
Lean Meat | Eat chicken.
Magesicle | Eat a frozen enemy.
Merlin's Pupil | Unlock all game content.
My Precious | Have six power-ups in your inventory at once.
Over 9000 | Win a team deathmatch game against 3 CPU players on LVL 10 difficulty.
Prime Directive | Win a match without touching the sphere.
Protector of the Realm | Destroy a cloud beast as the cloud sentinel.
Shields Up | Use up to three shields within a single round.
Superluminal | Accelerate the sphere to its maximum speed.
The Apprentice | Complete the apprentice campaign.
The Beast | Complete the beasts campaign.
The Challenger | Complete the challenger campaign.
The Demon | Complete the demon campaign.
The Machine | Complete the machine campaign.
The Witch | Complete the witch campaign.
Treasure Hunters | Destroy all of the blocks in the dungeon level.
Ultimate Magical Triumph | Win a whole game without dying.
You're a wizard Larry! | Finish all campaigns on Legendary difficulty.