Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
Best Ex-Rival: Evergreen Song | Achieve Malica's Best Ending.
Best Ex-Rival: Rock Forevermore | Achieve Gisela's Best Ending.
Best Friend, Business Partner and Rival | Achieve Lolita's Best Ending.
It's not like the game wasn't easy | Activate a cheat.
Just Bought A Cheat | Buy a cheat for the first time.
La Crescendia's Music Producer | Achieve Joe's Best Ending.
The Handsome Clerk | Meet Cassius Ivy.
The Heir of Whitelock Inc. | Achieve Ken's Best Ending.
The Ultimate Cheat | Reveal the ultimate one-for-all cheat.
Wandering Melody | Achieve one of the Bad Ending(s)