Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Anagnorisis | Anagnorisis | 50
Bookworm | Bookworm | 50
Call Her Moonchild | Call Her Moonchild | 50
Connection with the Void | Connection with the Void | 50
Free at Last | Free at Last | 50
Fresh Air | Fresh Air | 20
Into the Whale's Belly | Into the Whale's Belly | 50
It Starts | Start a new game | 50
Loremaster | Loremaster | 70
Lost Control | Lost Control | 20
Love Story | Love Story | 70
Maximum Control | Maximum Control | 60
Never Lost Control | Never Lost Control | 90
The Blue Fairy Wails | The Blue Fairy Wails | 50
The Eldest Knowledge | The Eldest Knowledge | 50
The King Lies | The King Lies | 50
The Ritual | The Ritual | 50
The Sword in the Stone | The Sword in the Stone | 50
Valentina's Deception | Valentina's Deception | 70