Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Birth (secret) | Complete level Birth | 50
Birth + (secret) | Complete level Birth + | 75
Desert of the Mind (secret) | Complete level Desert of the Mind | 50
Desert of the Mind + (secret) | Complete level Desert of the Mind + | 75
End (secret) | Reach the end of the game | 75
End + (secret) | Reach the end of the game on 'Game +' mode | 100
Etherborn Complete (secret) | Reach the end of the game on both normal and 'Game +' modes | 200
Shapes of a Memory (secret) | Complete level Shapes of a Memory | 50
Shapes of a Memory + (secret) | Complete level Shapes of a Memory + | 75
Structured Thoughts (secret) | Complete level Structured Thoughts | 50
Structured Thoughts + (secret) | Complete level Structured Thoughts + | 75
The Longing of the Stones (secret) | Complete level The Longing of the Stones | 50
The Longing of the Stones + (secret) | Complete level The Longing of the Stones + | 75