Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Address | Destroy 100 enemies with sword throw attack | 25
Algorithm | Destroy 200 flying enemies | 35
Array | Down dash four enemies in one jump | 25
Asynchronous | Earn an air combo bonus | 15
Attribute | Fully upgrade a special attack | 20
Buffer | Earn a style bonus | 20
Class | Up dash four enemies in one jump | 25
Compiler | Collect every byte | 50
Delegate | Destroy 50 enemies with up dash attack | 25
Element | Defeat the monster in world twelve | 15
Extension | Fully upgrade all special attacks | 50
Float | Jump 2000 times | 25
Framework | Finish a level with four bonuses | 15
Function | 100% the entire game | 150
Instance | Collect a byte | 10
Instruction | Destroy the boss in world eight | 10
Interface | Finish a level with three bonuses | 10
Method | Destroy 150 ground enemies | 35
Modifier | Upgrade a special attack | 20
Overload | Destroy 100 turret enemies | 35
Process | Run five kilometers | 25
Random | Achieve a 4-star rating on 64 levels | 40
Refactor | Destroy 75 enemies with down dash attack | 25
Reflection | Destroy the player | 5
Regression | Achieve a four-star rating on 32 levels | 20
Return | Escape the monster in world four | 10
Routine | Complete the game | 100
Source | Finish 32 levels without destroying an enemy | 50
Subroutine | Unlock all special attacks | 20
Truncate | Complete a level without using all transitions | 25
Variable | Finish the first level | 15
Void | Finish 64 levels while destroying every enemy | 50