Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
Bringing Trolls to a Jotun fight (50 points) | Bring at least one Troll to the Jotun fight.
Brother shall kill brother (25 points) | Kill Knut.
Don't blame the messenger (100 points) | Bring warbanner to Thora.
Enter Jotunheim (100 points) | Go through the gate to Jotunheim.
Finally Valhalla (100 points) | Become a mountain.
Go back to Jotunheim (50 points) | Spare all Trolls.
He was big? (100 points) | Kill a half jotun.
Homecoming (100 points) | Go back to the farm as a kid.
Joined the darkside (100 points) | Become a Jotun.
Noooo.. (100 points) | See your mother die.
Run from the Jotuns (100 points) | Escape the cave.
You will live another day (25 points) | Spare Knut.
Your life ends here Troll (50 points) | Kill all Trolls.