Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
A good amount | Get 24 batteries | 90
Bouncy | Meet the robot to jump | 15
Cant see any use for this one | Meet the flying robot with a spike | 90
Collector | Get 48 batteries | 90
Dangerous | Meet the shooter robot | 30
Deserted | Unlock desert | 90
I can fly! | Meet the wind maker robot | 90
Its on fire | Find a flamethrower | 90
Lift me up15 | Meet the Flying Robot | 15
Not friendly | Meet the bomb dropper robot | 90
Speleology | Unlock caves | 90
Starting | Get 12 batteries | 90
Steping on spears | Meet the spear throwing robot | 40
What was this created for? | Meet the cactus | 90