Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Blockade | Prevent my progress twice, I'll respect you more | 50
Engineering | Reversal of misfortune and circuits | 50
Farming neverland | The new world has better crops, tastes flesh | 50
Helping Kara | One Injured at a time, making her happy | 50
Hopelessness | A cocktail of nihilism along with barren desert sands | 50
InFlux | Need for power cables never ends, even after world is destroyed | 50
Jeffrey's memories | One tablet at a time, refreshment of the past | 100
Militia Slayer | One member at a time, making the world a better place | 50
Newsflash | Nobody needs news networks anymore, now that the world is destroyed | 50
Nolan the gatekeeper | One turret at a time, demoralizing the enemy | 50
Rebellious son | One mother, one escape, one barren future | 50
Running man | Nobody will take your breath away anymore, you don't need to use it wisely | 150
Saving Emma | One gas mask at a time, saving the world | 50
Tesla's Legacy | The world is one big piece of conduit | 100
Thinking man | Nobody needs walls of texts anymore, now that the whole walls have collapsed | 50
Worrying mother | One son, one departure, one piece of sorrow | 50