Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
A New Day (80 points) | The Sun Rises at Black Sage Ranch.
Archivist (80 points) | Collect all audiotapes.
Barnstorming with the House of David (80 points) | Run the Bases.
Genesis 1:3 (80 points) | Find the Flashlight Batteries.
Genesis 3:16 (90 points) | Find the Pregnancy Test.
I Love You All So Much (95 points) | Relive the final moments of the Flock.
Piecing It Together (80 points) | Collect 8 Audiotapes.
Poking Around (80 points) | Collect 4 Audiotapes.
The Eighth Star (95 points) | Find the Golden Seal.
The Sun is Gone (80 points) | Night falls on Black Sage Ranch.
The Waning Light (80 points) | Dusk falls on Black Sage Ranch.
Welcome to Black Sage Ranch (80 points) | Gain access to the full compound.