Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Blade Of The Gods | Reach 111'000 points in the survival pit | 200
Combat Mind | Conquer each of the 11 stages with 100% OFFENSE score | 150
Devastator | Kill 11 enemies without giving them a chance to attack at all | 25
DoubleKiller | Get 11 Double Kills | 25
Finisher | Get 11 kills with a Finishing move | 25
Forged In Combat | Defeat The Dark Mechanist | 75
Full Armory | Unlock all the gear in the game | 75
Juggernaut | Conquer each of the 11 stages with 100% SPEED score | 150
Ninjaaa | Manage to stay off the ground for 6 seconds without using the JETPACK | 50
True Warrior | Reach a MatchMakingRanking(MMR) of over 2100 | 75
Untouchable | Conquer each of the 11 stages with 100% DEFENSE score | 150