Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Apprentice | Craft the "SS-Vertex" | 50
Crusher | Destroy a Capital Ship | 100
Demolisher | Break 150 Asteroids | 50
Explorer | Find 20 Containers in Exploration | 50
Geologist | Harvest more than 300 tons of Ore | 75
Handyman | Craft the "Tornado X" | 50
Mechanic | Craft the "Avalon V" | 50
Panoplied | Acquire all weapons and items | 125
Prepared | Evolve any Ship | 125
Tough Contract | Finish the Game | 200
War-Dog | Destroy 100 Fighters | 50
Wealthy | Earn 500,000 Coins | 75