Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock
About To Have A Bad Time... (65 points) | Have a skull assigned to 6 or more heroes in a round.
Achieved Normality (35 points) | Complete the final campaign quest on Normal or higher.
Casually Completed (15 points) | Complete the final campaign quest on Casual or higher.
Consul's Most Wanted (15 points) | Reach maximum Aggro on all heroes in a party of 4 or more.
Efficient (15 points) | Kill 3 or more enemies with a multi-attack ability.
Firefighting (50 points) | Have 25 or more squares on fire simultaneously.
Gladiator (30 points) | Win an encounter after 40 rounds.
High Roller (15 points) | Have 16 or more dice roll at once.
It Takes A Village... (30 points) | Have villagers deal 6 or more damage in a single campaign encounter.
Keep Your Distance (15 points) | Complete a quest with a party of 4 or more heroes equipped with only ranged weapons.
Kick the Bucket (15 points) | Defeat all dummies in a Training quest.
Kingslayer (30 points) | Kill 5 or more Minibosses in a single encounter.
Let's Try That Again... (65 points) | Lose a hero to a training dummy.
Mass Consumer (35 points) | Use 60 consumables in a single encounter.
Master Of Disaster (50 points) | Complete an Xtreme encounter with no hero deaths.
Mystic Run (30 points) | Complete a quest with a party of 4 or more that have Mystics in every slot.
Paunch It! (35 points) | Complete a quest with a party of 3 or more heroes without weapons.
Personal Space (15 points) | Complete a quest with a party of 4 or more heroes equipped with only melee weapons.
Self-Help (65 points) | Win a campaign encounter with only villagers remaining.
Seven In One Blow! (35 points) | Kill 7 or more enemies in a single attack.
Super Heroes (35 points) | Kill 50 or more enemies in a single encounter.
Super Special (15 points) | Obtain an item of Mystic quality.
Tenacious (65 points) | Win an encounter having lost 4 heroes.
There Can Only Be One! (50 points) | Have a hero defeat themselves in combat.
Thirsty Much? (30 points) | Complete a multi-encounter quest on Veteran or higher without using potions.
Took It Easy (30 points) | Complete the final campaign quest on Easy or higher.
Virtually Veteran (50 points) | Complete the final campaign quest on Veteran or higher.
With Xtreme Prejudice (65 points) | Complete the final campaign quest on Xtreme.