Complete the following achievements to unlock Microsoft Gamerscore points.
Achievement | How to unlock | Points
Collector | Get 20 special coins. | 90
Deception | Try the turtle costume. | 30
Does it protect? | Try the armadillo costume. | 30
Dress up | Try bee costume. | 30
Feeling special | Get 3 special coins. | 15
Friends again | Defeat 2nd boss. | 90
Getting started | Defeat 100 enemies. | 90
Got a lot of Coins | You got 1.000 coins. | 40
Got Many Coins | You got 500 coins. | 30
Got Rich! | You got 2.000 coins | 90
Got Some Coins | You got 100 coins | 15
My speciality | Get 35 special coins. | 90
No mercy | Defeat 350 enemies. | 90
Nobody will recognize me | Try the unicorn costume. | 30
Playing with Cards I | You have unlocked the first bonus stage! | 30
The Journey Begins | You have finished the first level | 30
Well done | Defeat 250 enemies. | 90
You will be a legend | Defeat 1st boss. | 90