Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
AMPed Up | Deal a total of 300 damage using Damage.
Boom Shaka-Laka | Kill a total of 25 enemy units using Grenade.
Change of Heart | Change a companion's ideology.
Facing the Tempest | Defeated The Infiltrator.
Hack Yeah! | Hack 5 Turrets with Hacking Protocol.
Hey Arthur! | Square off against Arthur.
Inspirational Speaker | Get the Galactic Congress to rule in your favor.
Keep Your Allies Close | Gain a Faction's Loyalty.
Lab Safety | Save at least 2 scientists.
License to Skill | Max a Skill.
Looks Like We Made It | Get invited to the Galactic Congress.
Man of Action | Stop Il Pugno Rosso and find Emilio.
No One's Perfect | ...But this ending could be. Achieve a perfect ending.
No Pain, No Gain | Damage 5 units at the same time using Share the Pain.
On the Brink | Kill an enemy by throwing them of a ledge with Earth Dash.
Power of Persuasion | Stop the assassin from killing the Empress.
Roll the Dice | Infiltrate the casino and rendezvous with your informant.
Secondary Education | Win all Secondary Missions across multiple playtroughs.
Shutdown | Defeat the hacker by destroying his energy sources.
Survivor | Win the game in Extinction Mode.
Swap and Kill | Use Quantum Swap and kill the swapped enemy in 1 turn.
Top of the Class | Max an archetype.
Trial by Combat | Prove yourself to the Prince.
True Blue | Gain a Companion's Loyalty.
Unlocked and Loaded | Unlock a tier 2 Weapon.
Up in Arms | Unlock a tier 3 Weapon.
Welcome to the Gun Show | Unlocked all Weapons.
Why Tank You! | Blow up a tank.
Workaround | Damage a unit with Frontal Shields using Trick Shot.
Zero's Hero | Regain control of Zero's chassis and your ship.
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