Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
Bullseye | Knock down the rectangular object in the background in the fourth chapter.
Can't Do A Thing | Drop an object into the pit in the third chapter.
Can't Do A Thing Perfected (secret) | Drop all objects into the pit in the third chapter.
Complete Chapter 1 | Complete the first chapter.
Complete Chapter 2 | Play up to and complete chapter 2.
Complete Chapter 3 | Play up to and complete chapter 3.
Complete Chapter 4 | Play up to and complete chapter 4.
Complete Chapter 5 | Play up to and complete chapter 5.
Defeat The Boss (secret) | Defeat the tennis robot boss.
Finish The Game | Play through the entire game story.
Grabbing Safe (secret) | Gain the safe grabbing ability.
Grabbing Through Glass (secret) | Gain the grabbing through glass ability.
Hit Yourself In The Face | Drop a held object on to your head.
I'm Fine With This | Get hit by 10 tennis balls that the machine fires at you.
I'm Helping (secret) | Put a tennis ball back into the tennis robot.
No Fool (secret) | Move the cube around the wall without hitting it in the first chapter.
Practice Throw | Miss the throw target in the first chapter.
Smash The Glass Cube (secret) | Smash the glass cube on the floor instead of putting in the receiver.
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