Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
Ain't No Mountain High Enough | Climb the mountain with Frea to reach Safattia.
Amrita Bandits | Find Amperia's hidden treasures.
Antique Roadshow | Sell Athos the item he desires.
Can I offer you an egg in this tryin' time? | Help out Adrian with his Eggstraordinary task.
Drunken Rambling | Talk to the local drunks in the pub.
Expert Gamer | Start a New Game Plus after completing the game.
Fantasy Land | Reach the Fantasy Zone.
Florist Gump | Defeat all the flowers protecting the Earth Shard.
Fowl Play | Make a chicken use fowl language.
Gladiator | Enter the tournament of Safattia and win with style.
Grave Intentions | Unknown.
Master Navigator | Reach the end of Garam's Lab.
Onward Travel | Leave Cosmo's home and travel onward to further shores.
Pawn Star | Visit the market stall in Caronte to sell an item.
Potty Mouth | Talk to the PotMan.
Punch Drunk | Calm the Drunks in the winery.
Royal Rumble | Reach the Royal Bedroom chambers.
Seas The Day | Set sail to Castareggia.
Smooth Criminal | Get past all the guards on the castle ground floor.
Stairway To Heaven | Climb the final stairway.
Strike a Pose | Take a look at the Nymph Gallery.
The Chosen One | Unknown.
The Special One | Unknown.
There's always money in the Banana Stand | Find Mika's Banana.
Well-Wisher | When the time is right, make a wish at the well.
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