Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.
Achievement | How to unlock
50 Deaths... | Kill 50 creatures in the game.
Am I a thief now? | Learn how to use lockpicks.
Charging | Charge an empty rune.
Come to papa! | Buy a pig and whistle to make it come to you.
Flower Collector | Collect 25 flowers in the game.
Hunter | Learn how to use a bow.
I can see now! | Drink a night vision potion.
I have it all! | Find the map of all puzzles and dungeons.
I will be the black knight! | Find black metal that will enable you to craft black knight armor.
Is he really dead? | Kill other player.
Is it enough? | Kill 100 creatures in the game.
It was so fast! | Use a carriage for a fast travel.
It's cold here! | Visit the snowy island.
It's just the beginning | Reach the first level in the game.
It's time to prepare | Take your clothes back from quartermaster Adam.
Let's cook something | Build a campfire.
Monster Hunter | Kill 25 Night Hunters in the game.
My First Night Hunter | Kill your first night hunter.
My first sword. | Create your first sword in your village.
My first tool here. | Craft your first tool in the game.
My Village | Create your village by placing a totem.
Oh! A lot of sand! | Visit the desert part of the map.
Simon will be so happy! | Find the skull staff.
So that's how it works! | Learn how to use magic runes.
So where is the pyramide? | Visit the jungle island.
The gold is mine now! | Kill the spider in the mine cave.
To be one of them. | Become one of the wizards in the magic castle.
Treasure | Find your first treasure.
Water Jorney | Use a boat for a fast travel.
Weird Notes | Find and read all the weirds notes that are in the game.
What happened?! | Use the gravity necklace.
What will happen next? | Unknown.
What's inside the pyramide? | Find a way to open the entrance to the jungle pyramide.
World in my hands. | Get a map of the main island
You're my King! | Finish all the quests for the Flower King.
Young Blacksmith | Fix 10 swords on an anvil.
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